How we began..


On Our Own of Roanoke Valley is a non-profit, 501C (3) organization funded by grants, individual donations and fundraising solicitations. All donations are tax deductible. “On Our Own” does not charge a fee for services or activities participation.

How we began.

In the summer of 1993 several members of the Roanoke Chapter of the Virginia Mental Health Consumers Association (VMHCA) took the initiative to apply for a grant from the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services (DMHMRSAS; now known as the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services – DBHDS) to form an association to operate a social drop-in center for mental health consumers. The grant was awarded effective October 1, 1993. “On Our Own” Drop-In Center opened its doors on November 16, 1993 at a site on Day Ave.


  • A haven for peers with mental health and/or substance use challenges

  • A “drop-in” center; no appointment needed

  • A place for socialization and mutual support

  • Staffed by Peer Recovery Specialists, people in long-term recovery, with lived experience in mental health and/or substance use issues, having overcome many obstacles and eager to give back to others who may be experiencing similar issues.